viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

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the weather of Galician is fantastic.
the four provinces have got a sunny,though in the north of Coruña and Lugo have got cloudys, but in the south of Pontevedra and Ourense have got sunshine.
In the northwest and northeast have got cloudys.
In the southwest and southeast have got sunshine, but for the inside the weather have got cloudys.
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Os paises maís ricos de Europa son: Alemania, Reino Unido y Francia.
Os paises menos ricos de Europa son: Malta, Chipre e Estona
Os paises de mayor superficie son: Francia, España e Suecia
Os paises de menos superficie son: Malta, Luxemburgo e Chipre
Os paises de mayor habitantes: Alemania, Francia y Reino Unido
Os paises de meos habitantes son: Malta, Luxemburgo e Chipre

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