sábado, 16 de enero de 2010



Look for the meaning of :

-Crops (cultivos) : a pounch in many birds and some lower animals that resenbles a stomach for torage and preliminary maceration of food.

-Cattle (ganado) : domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age.

-Relief (alivio) : the act of reducing something unpleasant.

-Soil (tierra) : material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow. Agricultural soil.

-Labour (trabajo): productive work.

-Farmer (agricultor) : a person that works in the crop of vegetables.

-Yield (cosecha) :production of de harvest

-Herd (manada) : a group of animals that takes care them a person

-Seeds (semillas) : each one of the part that it origin to a new plant.

-Input (importación) : buy other products manufactures in other countries.

-Outout (exportación) : when send products to other countries.

1 comentarios:

maribel dijo...

some mistakes:

in crops, relief, input, output, wrong definitions

in others, grammar mistakes: seeds and herd

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