Thomas Alva Edison born February 11, 1847 and died on October 18, 1931.
He was a businessman and a prolific inventor who patented more than a thousand inventions (for an invention of his adult life every fortnight) and helped to give both the U.S. and Europe, the technology profiles of the contemporary world: the electrical industries, a system viable telephone, the phonograph, movies ...
After saving a child died in the railroad tracks in Port Huron, the grateful father of the child J. U. Mackenzie taught him telegraphy. At sixteen he got his first job as a telegraph operator in Port Huron when J. U. Mackenzie will leave the post to join the Military Telegraph Corps.
In late 1863, supported by Edison J. U. Mackenzie applied for a job as a telegraph Grand Truck Railway at the junction of Stratford. Did not last long in this job because it did not transmit the signals to stop a freight train, therefore, was about to have a head-on collision. He fled to Sarnia, at the Canadian border and took the ferry to Port Huron.
In early 1864, Edison got a job on the railroad southern Lake Shore & Michigan, Adrian, sixty miles south of Detroit where he was fired for disobeying orders. He was ordered to send an important message, and did so without ignoring the protests of the man who was passing across the line, which was the superintendent, Edison unknown detail.

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