martes, 9 de marzo de 2010


2- Renewable energy resources


Energy from sunlight is captured in solar panels and converted into electricity. Advantages: Potentially infinite energy supply. Disadvantages: Manufacture and implementation of solar panels can be costly.


Wind turbines(modern windmills) turn wind energy into electricity. Advantages: Potentially infinite energy supply. Disadvantages: Manufacture and implementation of wind farms can be costly.


The movement of sea water in and out drives turbines. Advatages: a lot of energy is generated this way. Disadvantages: Construction can be costly.

Maybe opposed by local or environment groups.


It is possible to use heat from under the earth´s surface in volcanic regions. Steam can be used for heating or to power turbines creating electricity. Advantages: Potentially infinite energy supply. It is used successfully in some countries, such as New Zeland. Disadvantages: Can be expensive to set up. Only works in areas of volcanic activity.

5-C) Hydro-electric-power(HEP):

Energy harnessed from the movement of water through rivers, lakes and dams. Advantages: Creates water reserves as well as energy supplies. Disadvantages: Costly to build. They can cause the flooding of surrounding communities and landscapes. Dams have major ecological impacts.

6-D) Biomasa:

An organic material which can be burnt to provide energy (heat or electricity). Advantages: It is a cheap source of energy. Disadvantages: When bumt, it gives off atmospheric pollutants,including greenhouse gases.

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